

My name is Vivian. This is my Image Blog.

I am a media and communications graduate of UNSW, Sydney, Australia. This blog is my little space on the web. A home for the captured split seconds of life I capture through my lenses. A place where my imagination roams free; trudging through all the weird and wonderful, strange and magical corners of my mind.

This blog is also mostly where I would update what I’m up to in terms of creative projects/experiments/art works/actual work and/ or inspiration I collect, and from time to time shout outs to my fellow artists, friends and media folk and what they’re up to. A sort of cyber-scrapbook for myself.

This blog is more of a progressive journal, if you would like to see a more polished and neater collection of works, please visit my portfolio site at vivianwongproductions.com.

I also use a variety of other platforms on the web, I keep a whole bunch of my inspiration and things I find through our cyberspace at my TUMBLR account. And I host all my photos on my Flickr account, if you’d like a more comprehensive look at my photos.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or just like to say Hi, please feel free to leave comments on this image blog. To keep up to date with all my posts here subscribe to this blog’s rss feed or bookmark me. You can now also click that ‘subscribe me’ button on the Home page, to have updates directly sent to your inbox! So you NEVER miss my random ramblings or spurts of creativity (maybe you’re just as crazy as I am! You’re rad; I’m rad; let’s be friends).


Q: What’s with the name “weeweeyun”?
A: Just in case you’re wondering what’s with the URL , “weeweeyun” is my nick name.. this a long story, stop reading now if you’re easily bored – this was a name given to me by my friends as the ‘Vivi’ in Vivian sounds like ‘weewee’ when my mum calls my name, as she has a heavy Chinese accent. My friends heard this and ran with it. They also started calling me “wee” because I am very small in stature. So the name stuck like peanut butter and jam, and I saw it futile to resist them, and thus i was known as weeweeyun. And in the digital age, my normal name is a pretty common occurrence, so weeweeyun just became a unique space I could claim.


Hope you enjoy exploring the rest of the site!

Thanks for visiting.

One response to “about.

  1. Pingback: 2010 in review | an image blog.

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